Our research has examined sleeping and crying behaviours in thousands of infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers. We use this evidence in our private practice.
Selected research papers
Cook F, Conway L, Omerovic E, Cahir P, Giallo R, Hiscock H, Mensah F, Bretherton L, Bavin, E, Eadie P & Reilly S (2021). Infant regulation: associations with language development in a longitudinal cohort. Journal of Pediatrics.
Cook, F., Conway, L., Giallo, R., Gartland, D., Sciberras, E. & Brown S. (2020). Infant sleep and child mental health: a longitudinal investigation. Archives of Disease in Childhood.
Cook, F., Conway, L., Gartland, D., Giallo, R., Keys, E. & Brown, S. (2019). Profiles and predictors of infant sleep problems across the first year. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. epub ahead of print.
Cook, F., Giallo, R., Sanchez, K., Reilly, S. & Hiscock, H. (2019). Infant regulation and child mental health concerns: a longitudinal study. Pediatrics, 143 (3).
Cook, F., Mensah, F., Bayer, J.K. & Hiscock, H. (2019). Prevalence, comorbidity, and factors associated with sleeping, crying and feeding problems at 1 month of age: A community based survey of Australian infants. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 55(6):644–51.
Bell, G., Hiscock, H., Tobin, S., Cook, F. & Sung, V. (2018). Behavioural outcomes of infant colic in toddlerhood: a longitudinal study. Journal of Pediatrics. Epub ahead of print.
Cook, F., Giallo, R., Hiscock, H., Mensah, F., Sanchez, K. & Reilly, S. (2018). Associations between infant regulation and childhood mental health concerns in a large, prospective, community cohort. Journal of Sleep Research, 27.
Cook, F., Giallo, R., Petrovic, Z., Coe, A., Seymour, M., Cann, W., & Hiscock, H. (2016). Depression and anger in fathers of unsettled infants: A community cohort study. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 1–5.
Le, H. N. D., Gold, L., Mensah, F. K., Cook, F., Bayer, J. K., & Hiscock, H. (2016). Health service use and costs for infant behaviour problems and maternal stress. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 52(4), 402–9.
Cook, F., Seymour, M., Giallo, R., Cann, W., Nicholson, J. M., Green, J., & Hiscock, H. (2015). Comparison of methods for recruiting and engaging parents in online interventions: study protocol for the Cry Baby infant sleep and settling program. BMC Pediatrics, 15(1), 174.
Hiscock, H., Cook, F., Bayer, J., Le, HND., Mensah, F., Cann, W., Symon, B. & St James-Roberts I. (2014). Preventing early infant sleep and crying problems and postnatal depression: a randomized trial. Pediatrics, 133, 346–354.
Cook, F., Bayer, J., Le, H.N.D., Mensah, F., Cann, W. & Hiscock, H. (2012). Baby Business: a randomised controlled trial of a universal parenting program that aims to prevent early infant sleep and cry problems and associated parental depression. BMC Pediatrics, 12 (13).
Selected conference presentations
Cook F, Bilgin A, Conway L and Keys E. Identifying, supporting, and predicting outcomes for infants with sleeping, crying and/or feeding problems (dysregulated infants). Symposium at the International Pediatric Sleep Association congress, February 5-6 2021.
Cook, F., Giallo, R., Hiscock, H., Mensah, F., Sanchez, K. & Reilly, S. (2019). Profiles of infant regulation: Associations with child mental health in a large, prospective, community cohort. Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Baltimore, USA.
Cook, F., Giallo, R., Hiscock, H., Mensah, F., Sanchez, K. & Reilly, S. (2018). Associations between infant regulation and childhood mental health concerns in a large, prospective, community cohort. Australasian Sleep Association 'Sleep DownUnder' conference, Brisbane, Australia.
Cook, F., Giallo, R., Hiscock, H., Mensah, F., Sanchez, K. & Reilly, S. (2018). Profiles of infant regulation: Associations with child social, emotional and behavioural outcomes in a large, prospective, community cohort. Paper presented at the International Pediatric Sleep Association Congress, Paris, France.
Cook, F., Bayer, J., Le, H.N.D., Mensah, F., Cann, W., Symon, B., St James-Roberts, I. & Hiscock, H. (2016). Sleep, crying and feeding problems at 1 month of age: prevalence and comorbidity in Australian infants. Paper presented at the International Marcé Society Biennial Scientific Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Cook, F., Giallo, R., Petrovic, Z., Coe, A., Seymour, M., Cann, W. & Hiscock, H. (2016). Associations between unsettled infant behaviour, paternal depressive symptoms and anger: a community cohort study. Paper presented at the International Marcé Society Biennial Scientific Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Cook, F., Seymour, M., Giallo, R., Cann, W., Nicholson, J.M., Green, J. & Hiscock, H. (2016). Cry Baby: An online infant sleep and settling program. Paper presented at the International Marcé Society Biennial Scientific Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Cook, F., Bayer, J., Cann, W., Hiscock, H., Symon, B. & St James-Roberts I. (2014). Can infant sleep and cry problems and associated postnatal depression be prevented? Results of a randomised controlled trial. The Great Baby Sleep Debate.
Other child development publications
Gartland, D., Conway L, Giallo R, Mensah F, Cook F, Hegarty K, Herrman H, Nicholson J, Reilly S, Hiscock H, Sciberras E and Brown SJ (2021). "Intimate partner violence and child outcomes at 10: a pregnancy cohort." Archives of Disease in Childhood.
Brown S, Gartland D, Woolhouse H, Giallo R, McDonald E, Seymour M, Conway L, Fitzpatrick K, Cook F, Papadopoullos S, McArthur C, Hegarty K, Herrman H, Nicholson J, Hiscock H and Mensah F (2021). The Maternal Health Study: study design update for a prospective cohort of first-time mothers and their first-born children from birth to age ten. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology.
Smith, J., Levickis, P., Goldfeld, S., Kemp., & Conway, L. (2021). Maternal linguistic input and child language in a cohort at risk of experiencing social adversity. Language Learning and Development, in press.
Brown S, Conway L, Fitzpatrick K, Hegarty K, Mensah F, Papadopoullos S, Woolhouse H, Giallo R and Gartland D (2021). Physical and mental health of women exposed to intimate partner violence in the ten years after having their first child: an Australian prospective cohort study of first-time mothers. BMJ Open, in press.
Conway LJ, Cook F, Brown S, Cahir P , Gartland D, Giallo R, Mensah F, & Reilly S. (2021).Children's language abilities at age 10 and exposure to intimate partner violence in early childhood: Results of an Australian prospective pregnancy cohort study. Child Abuse & Neglect, 111.
Conway LJ, Cook F, Cahir P, Mensah F, Reilly S, Brown S, Gartland D & Giallo R. (2020) Intimate partner violence, maternal depression and pathways to children’s language ability at 10 years. Journal of Family Psychology.
Matov, J., Cook, F., Mensah, F., Dowell, R. & Reilly, S. (2020) Short language measure (SLaM) development and validation: a short language measure for speech-language therapists and paraprofessionals to sample general language ability and screen children in their first year at school. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders.
Unicomb, R., Kefalianos, E., Reilly, S., Cook, F. & Morgan, A. (2020). Prevalence and clinical features of comorbid stuttering and speech sound disorder diagnoses at age 4 years: A prospective, community cohort study. Journal of Communication Disorders.
Matov, J., Mensah, F., Cook. F. & Reilly, S. (2018). Investigation of the language tasks to include in a short language measure for children in the early school years. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 53 (4), 735-747.
Smith, J., Levickis, P., Eadie, P., Bretherton, L., Conway, L., & Goldfeld, S. (2019) Associations between early maternal behaviours and child language at 36 months in a cohort experiencing adversity. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 54(1):110-122.
Conway LJ, Levickis, P.A., Mensah, F., Smith, J., Wake, M., & Reilly S (2018). Association between joint engagement and language in a sample of slow to talk children. Journal of Child Language, 45(6), 1275-1293.
Eadie, P., Conway LJ, Hallenstein B, McKean M., Mensah F, & Reilly S. (2018) Quality of Life in Children with Developmental Language Disorder. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorder, 53(4), 799-810.
Conway LJ, Levickis, P.A., Smith, J., Mensah, F., Wake, M., & Reilly S. (2018) Maternal communicative behaviors and interaction quality as predictors of language development: Findings from a community-based study of slow-to-talk toddlers. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 53(2), 339-354.
McKean, C., Reilly, S., Bavin, E.L., Bretherton, L., Cini, E., Conway, L., Cook, F., Eadie, P., Prior, M., Wake, M. & Mensah, F. (2017). Language outcomes at 7 years: early predictors and co-occurring difficulties. Pediatrics, 139 (3).
McKean, C., Wraith, D., Eadie, P., Cook, F., Mensah, F. & Reilly, S. (2017). Subgroups in language trajectories from 4 to 11 years: the nature and predictors of stable, improving and decreasing language trajectory groups. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 58 (10), 1081-1091.
Reilly, S., Cook, F. (joint first author), Bavin, E., Bretherton, L., Cahir, P., Eadie, P., Gold, L., Mensah, F., Papadopoullos, S. & Wake, M. (2017). Cohort Profile: The Early Language in Victoria Study (ELVS). International Journal of Epidemiology, 48, pp329.
Conway LJ, Levickis P, Mensah F, McKean C, Smith KA, & Reilly S (2017). Associations between expressive and receptive language and internalising and externalising behaviours: Findings from a community-based slow-to-talk sample. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 52 (6): 839-853.
Levickis, P., Sciberras, E., McKean, C., Conway, L., Pezic, A., Mensah, F. K., Bavin, E. L., Bretherton, L., Eadie, P., Prior, M., & Reilly, S. (2017). Language and social-emotional and behavioural wellbeing from 4 to 7 years: a community-based study. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 27(7), 849-859.
Kefalianos E., Reilly S., Onslow M, Block S., Packman A., Bavin E., Conway L., Vogel A., Pezic A., and Mensah F (2017). The history of stuttering by 7 years: Follow up of a prospective community cohort. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 60(10), 2828-2839.
Smith, J, Levickis, P., Eadie, P., Bretherton, L., Conway, L., & Goldfeld, S. (2017). Associations between maternal behaviours and child language at 2 years in a cohort of women experiencing adversity. Infancy, 23(1), 74-102.
Smith, J, Levickis, P., Conway, L., Eadie, P., Bretherton, L., & Goldfeld, S (2017). Concurrent associations between maternal behaviours and infant communication within a cohort of women and their infants experiencing adversity. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 20(5), 516-527.
Vogel, A. P., Block, S., Kefalianos, E., Onslow, M., Eadie, P., Barth, B., Conway, L., Mundt, J. C., & Reilly, S. (2015). Feasibility of automated speech sample collection with stuttering children using interactive voice response (IVR) technology. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 17 (2), 115-120.
Reilly, S, Onslow M, Packman A, Cini E, Conway L, Ukoumunne O, Bavin E, Prior M, Eadie P, Block S, Wake M. (2013) Natural History of Stuttering to 4 Years of Age: A Prospective Community-Based Study. Pediatrics, 132(3), 460-467.
Ukoumunne OC, Wake M, Carlin J, Bavin EL, Lum J, Skeat J, Williams J, Conway L, Cini E, Reilly S. (2012). Profiles of language development in pre-school children: Longitudinal latent class analysis of data from the Early Language in Victoria Study. Child: Care, Health and Development, 38 (3), 341-9.
Reilly S, Wake M, Ukoumunne OC, Bavin EL, Prior M; Cini E, Conway L, Eadie P, Bretherton L (2010). Predicting Language Outcomes at 4 Years: Longitudinal Findings from the Early Language in Victoria Study. Pediatrics, 126 (6), e1530-7.
Reilly SR, Bavin, E.L., Bretherton, L., Conway, L., Eadie, P., Cini, E., Prior, M., Ukoumunne, O., Wake, M (2009). The Early Language in Victoria Study (ELVS): a prospective, longitudinal study of communication skills and expressive vocabulary development at 8, 12 and 24 months. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 11 (5), 344-357.
Cook, F., Ciorciari, J., Varker, T., & Devilly, G. J. (2009). Changes in long term neural connectivity following psychological trauma. Clinical Neurophysiology, 120 (2), 309–314.
Ciorciari, J., Cook, F., Turton, C. & Devilly, G. (2006). Psychophysiological correlates of past trauma and dissociation. Australian Journal of Psychology, 58, 122-123.
Devilly, G. J., Ciorciari, J., Piesse, A., Sherwell, S., Zammit, S., Cook, F., & Turton, C. (2007). Dissociative tendencies and memory performance on directed-forgetting tasks. Psychological Science, 18 (3), 212–217.