10 tips for settling your newborn baby
Our top ten tips to help your newborn baby (0-3 months) fall asleep.
The first weeks are a confusing blur for most parents. Here are our expert tips for helping your newborn baby settle easily to sleep.
Darkness. Babies aren’t afraid of the dark. Keep the room as dark as possible to limit visual distractions. Many babies find high contrast patterns (black and white) very stimulating so remove anything like this from around the cot.
Boredom. The place your baby sleeps should be the most boring place in the house. Keep toys, mobiles, moving lights etc out of the cot and bedroom.
Security. Make your baby feel safe and secure by wrapping firmly in a swaddle. If they can roll over then use a well-fitted sleeping bag instead.
Consistent sounds. Steady, repetitive sounds can help your baby calm down for sleep. White noise, rain, and cicada sounds can be slowly phased out later on.
Rhythmic sensations. Gentle patting in a slow, steady and predictable pattern is very soothing for babies.
Ignore grizzles. Some babies find it soothing to make grizzling, whining noises before they fall asleep. Before rushing in, listen – if they are crying then go to them. If they are grumbling or grizzling it’s ok to wait and see if they resettle.
Get the timing right. Babies aged 0-3 months are really hard to settle when overtired. When you see signs of tiredness start your settling routine straight away. Young babies will stare in to the distance and their movements will become jerky. If they are crying then they may already be overtired so don’t wait until they’re crying to put them to bed.
In to their cot awake You have heard this before and it’s true – babies that are placed in their cot when awake and who drift off to sleep without help from a parent, sleep much better and for longer.
Persistence. It takes a lot of practice for a baby to learn how to fall asleep in their cot. Practice for a few minutes each time you put them down for a nap, and if it doesn’t work out, then try again next time. Gentle persistence will help your baby adjust.
Get personalised help if you’re struggling. The first 9 tips work for most babies but if you’re still struggling after trying these then please reach out. Personalised expert help is the fastest, easiest way to make lasting improvements to your baby’s sleep.
Paediatric Sleep Practitioner