Dressing your baby for sleep
Babies can wake up if they are too hot or cold. Learn how to dress your baby for sleep so they are comfortable and snug at bedtime.
Ever wondered if your baby wakes up because they’re too hot or too cold? Babies find it harder to regulate their temperature than adults, and will wake up if they aren’t comfortable.
Follow these tips to dress your baby for sleep.
Feel the back of your baby’s neck when they are asleep. Sweaty and clammy shows they are too hot, and cool to the touch suggests they are cold. Warm and not sweaty is just right. It’s normal for their hands and feet to feel cool.
Choose clothes and bedding made from natural fibres. Think cotton, wool, bamboo. These are more breathable and won’t get so sweaty.
Little babies (who can’t roll) can be swaddled. Use breathable material, and make sure the swaddle isn’t too tight on their hips - leave room for their little legs to wriggle!
Baby sleeping bags that fit well are excellent for baby sleep. They keep baby warm and can’t be kicked off. Make sure the sleeping bag isn’t loose around your baby’s neck. If they wriggle down it may come up around their face and obstruct their breathing.
Choose the right TOG ratings for baby sleeping bags. The TOG rating tells you how warm the sleeping bag is. Choose lower ratings for warmer days and nights, and higher ratings for colder times.
Avoid loose, bulky blankets. Never use hot water bottles, electric blankets, or weighted blankets, in your baby’s cot. Do not put a hat on your baby’s head when they are sleeping.
As a general rule, babies tend to sleep best in a cooler room with warm clothing. They like the snug feeling that thicker layers provide.
If you want to find out more about creating a safe place for your baby to sleep, take a look at the Raising Children Network.
- Dr Fallon Cook and Dr Laura Conway
Infant Sleep Practitioners